Headlines series
"Notion of Mars"
from the Headlines series
2010 8-1/4x 11-1/2"
Painted and found papers, ink
on paper
The notion of a desolate, lifeless Mars persisted for years.
Now, some scientists say that conclusion was premature
and perhaps even incorrect. They suggest that organic
molecules were indeed in the soil, but that they were
inadvertently destroyed before they could be detected.
Christopher McKay, a planetary scientist said.
It was bizarre chemistry.
"There's something more," she whispered.
"The fragrance after the flower is distilled."
But he was sleeping, or empty. He was
grieving or tired.
He was worried about the credit crisis.
Or thinking of all the affairs that had gone
wrong. Or maybe he had no sense of smell.
Rafael Navarro-González of the National Autonomous University of Mexico City and lead author of the new study, said the claim that Viking found life was still inconclusive. It gives a big possibility, he said, but of course we dont know.
So he didn't seem to hear her.