Headlines series
"Fantasy on the Kansas prairie"
from the Headlines series
2010  16 x 20"
Painted and found papers, digital print, ink on paper
A Golden Gate Fantasy on the Kansas Prairie
    There is no obvious reason Larry Richardson would want to cross Cowskin Creek with a self-designed replica of San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge.

    But that is what Mr. Richardson has done, connecting his property to a sliver of weed-choked wasteland using salvaged materials, family labor and nearly $5,000 of his own money, much to the chagrin of his wife

They came so close--could he feel the imprint of fairy tales on her skin?

    We didnt have any blueprints,  Mr. Richardson, a retired postman, said recently... We just used a postcard and tried to make it look like it should.  

She glimpsed the tattoos when he undressed, but only in shadows.

    The bridge has become a modest tourist draw to Mulvane, a town of about 6,000 a half-hour south of Wichita and almost equally distant from the Atlanticas it is from the Pacific.

Eve...Cinderella...Belly dancer...Wedding bells...

   For many of the visitors... the spectacle offers an escape - the chance to imagine themselves in a place that geographic and financial realities have kept distant from them.     This gives them at least a local Golden Gate Bridge they can claim theyve been to,  said Lee Richardson, who helped with the project.

Would they somehow reach solid ground by dawn?